Sunday, July 26, 2009

rocket car


Objective: Newton's Third Law of Motion is demonstrated with escaping air as the action force.

Description: In this activity, students construct a balloon-powered rocket car that rolls across the floor because air is forced to escape through a plastic.

Materials and Tools:4 pins
Styrofoam tray
Cellophane tape
Drawing compass
Marker pen
Small party balloon


1. Using the ruler, marker, and drawing compass, draw a rectangle about 7.5 cm by 18 cm and four circles 7.5 cm in diameter on the flat surface of the tray. Cut out each piece.

2. Inflate the balloon a few times to stretch it. Slip the nozzle over the end of the flexi-straw nearest the bend. Secure the nozzle to the straw with tape and seal it tight so that the balloon can be inflated by blowing through the straw.

3. Tape the straw to the car as shown in the picture.

4. Push one pin into the center of each circle and then into the edge of the rectangle as shown in the picture. The pins become axles for the wheels. Do not push the pins in snugly because the wheels have to rotate freely. It is okay if the wheels wobble.

5. Inflate the balloon and pinch the straw to hold in the air. Set the car on a smooth surface and release the straw.


  1. Great......its nice idea to see how newton law works

  2. its amzing mam u hav done a brilliant job!!!
    hats off to u!!!!!
